WRITER’S GUIDELINES for the Activities Guide of Maine
What we’re about
Activities Guide of Maine relies on a group of regular writers and occasionally accepts submissions or solicits articles from freelancers who are familiar with Maine’s myriad of outdoor recreation, regional adventures, and events. We also incorporate brewing/distilling and running/biking/obstacle races from our other two magazines (Maine Brew Guide and RaceME) into this magazine. Published two times per year (a spring/summer issue and fall/winter), our readers are primarily average working class Mainers who are looking for ways to explore the State as well as outdoor enthusiasts, and professionals who work in outdoor recreational industries.
What we’re looking for
We’re looking for original voices and angles that illustrate experiences that inspire people to try new adventures around Maine, as well as articles and features on interesting places and a spotlight on outdoor businesses/owners who have a meaningful impact on their customers We like energy. We like fun writers. Ask yourself: what would make someone find your article so valuable they’d keep it as a reference? Would they find it entertaining enough to go try the activity themselves or share the article on social media ?
What we’re not looking for
Not to be picky, but we don’t need an article pitch on a general topic of the outdoors not related to Maine. We also strive to be an insider’s guide to the latest news and trends, but are not so much interested in “If I visited Maine, here’s where I’d go” type of pieces.
- We look for tourism articles that combine natural and business attractions of various towns
- Nature and wilderness therapy
- Benefits of being outdoors
- Combined fitness and fun outdoors
- Digital detox screen-free weekend
- Wilderness survival series, outdoor skills and safety, bush crafting edible plants
- Camping features
- Summer/fall outdoor accessories and gear guide
- Regional summer fall hikes
- Photography tips
- Maine premier golfing resort destinations by region
- Beginner’s guide to anything summer-related
- Regional itineraries involving local adventures, eating, brewing and accommodation
- Adaptive summer opportunities around Maine
- Maine adventures/activities specifically for teens or tweens
A Maine BrewGuide section will be included in this issue as well. Topics include:
- Summer/fall hikes along the Beer Trail
- How craft beer plays a part in helping to revitalize a town
- Pairing outdoor adventures and attractions near breweries
- Summer session roundups
- Guide to Maine winter hikes (hikes in a specific region)
- Gear guide to specific winter adventures
- Youth outdoor events or activities for kids in winter
- Maine back country skiing/snowshoeing/snowmobiling
- X-country skiing treks such as Maine Huts and Trails
- Winter survival techniques in the wilderness
- Beginner’s Guide to anything winter-related
- Regional itineraries involving local adventures, eating, brewing and accommodation
- Adaptive winter opportunities around Maine
- Senior winter activities or spotlight on achievement-minded seniors Brew Guide Topics
- Ice fishing and craft brews
- Winter beer pairing for which popular activity
- Staple seasonal winter beer line up
- How to pack beers for winter outdoor excursions
- Maine’s best ice bars
- Quintessential winter races, running, snowshoe, XC, fat biking, snowmobile, etc.
- Events for winter running calendar
- Fun winter indoor/outdoor winter fitness ideas in different regions
- Winter running gear/accessories
- Sports medicine, injury prevention, nutrition
Regions to cover
- Aroostook
- Downeast & Acadia
- Greater Portland & Casco Bay
- Kennebec & Moose River Valley
- Maine Lakes & Mountains
- Midcoast
- Rangeley/Carrabassett Valley
- Western Maine
- Farmington area
- The Maine Beaches (Southern Maine)
- Moosehead and Maine Highlands (Northern Maine)
- Submit a brief story idea with outline, and sources you plan to include by email only (please don’t attach your pitch in a Word document).
- All queries should be accompanied by a link or PDFs of one or two published writing samples.
- We don’t accept previously published submissions.
If Activities Guide of Maine accepts your story pitch, you will be emailed a Writer’s Assignment with word count, deadline and projected payment. An affirmative response to that email is considered “the contract.” Every article will need edits and photos and the content manager will work with you on those once the article has been submitted.
Most of our photography is commissioned; but if you have particularly interesting or unique photographs, please email low-resolution images to submissions@activitymaine.com. All subjects in the photo must be 21 or older. Payment will be determined.
Direct pitches to submissions@activitymaine.com Due to the increasing number of queries we receive, we cannot respond to most pitches right away, but will do our best. Please don’t send repeated follow up emails. If your idea is something that will fit our magazine, we will contact you.
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